If you are an Harry Potter Fan and also Royal Enfield loyalist then I am sure you have already noticed light blue colored Royal Enfield 500 in the 2010’s movie […]
All Stories by: Mohsin Hasan
Haider-Royal Enfield Classic 350cc based Bobber by Bulleeter Customs
Today we are featuring a minimalistic custom bobber based on Royal Enfield Classic 350 named Haider. The bike comes again from Bulleteer Customs who last time gave us impressive Raptor […]
Raptor 540-Modified Royal Enfield Classic 500 EFI by Bulleteer Customs
Customization of bike is always interesting but when you have people passionate about it, you get something even more interesting. Not only awesome modified bikes, we get to see amazing […]
Agra Style Breakfast at GMB Gopika Restaurant – Short Review
On last Sunday meet, Riders were really exhausted and as well as hungry as it was time get proper breakfast. Randomly we decided to go for GMB Restaurant on Fatehabad […]
Re-exploring Taj Nature Walk – Seeing Taj Mahal from better perspective
Tajmahal is world famous monument, there is actually nothing more to say about it as its been told so many times and in so many variations. However, being so big […]

One fine Sunday, weRoyal Riders went on re-exploring TajMahal, but this time from Taj Nature Walk which is a beautiful natural forest-cover spreading over an area of 70 hectares, just […]
Taj Nature Walk – Picture Gallery
Soon we may have Speed-Breaker free highways in India – order by Union Transport Ministry
How many times you bumped into an unexpected speed breaker on National Highway and resulting damage to vehicle if not to yourself ? Though may not sound so much important […]
Lokhand-Fully Custom Mean Machine with Royal Enfield CI 1985 Engine at Heart – by Dochaki Designs
There are all kinds custom bikes, some wants to look big and massive while few wants to have minimalistic design but its very rare when you have custom bike which […]

All pictures from the One Ride 2016 by weRR – weRoyal Riders Motorcycling club of Agra. This is an annual wordwide event penned by Royal Enfield in 2011 to promote […]
Gallery: Fatehpur Sikri and weRR Royal Enfield Riders Club – One Ride 2016
weRR – Royal Enfield One Ride 2016 Agra – Fun at Fatehpur Sikri
weRR, a Bike Riding Group of Royal Enfield owners from city of Taj has followed RE’s tradition of celebrating One Ride every year. Generally our ride calender is full of […]