If news to be believed, soon Gujarat Police will get high tech ATV to patrol the hard to reach terrains and remote areas otherwsie those are unaccessible on normal vehicle […]
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Activity – Royal Riders Goes Fishing – Dec 01-2013 – Gallery
Apart of Rides and Meetups, time to weRoyal Riders also organize various activities. Ofcourse , our beloved Royal Enfield is always our inspiration and sole reason to get together. These are moments
Vedic Vegetarian Restaurant-Agra-Our Verdict and Review for their Food and Hospitality
Royal Riders is Group of Biking enthusiast from various professional backgrounds all sharing passion for bikes along with their nature to explore new avenues, places, adventures and many more. Though
weRoyal Riders Ride to Leh – thumping for 3200km (2014)
Riding a motorcycle in the Himalayas is a dream of every motorcyclist worth his salt. However a ride to Leh, the Mecca of motorcycling in the month of June, from the scorching hot plains of India to
Bonfire – Camping at Pagara Dam – Near Morena – Madhya Pradesh
Dear Riders, On 12-13th December, we are joining Bonfire event with Bulleteers Gwalior. This is essentially a CAMPING event where we will be spending night in tent, will cook our own food